More Accolades Summary The First Ten Pages Bios Writers' Statement
"Nekropolis is a well told, well crafted story: the writing is both sincere and polished, the characters are well-drawn, and the story feels like it properly captures the arc of Josh’s gradual ascent out of his own darkness, with the help of friends, but ultimately he succumbs to his demons and perfectionism.  These are far from trivial accomplishments, and the writers should be commended for their execution."  -- Sunscreen Film Festival

"This script is written with a great deal of sensitivity and tenderness, and the writers are immensely talented in the areas of character development, dialogue, descriptive language and mood.  An inspiring, creative, ambitious and thought-provoking script full of indelible characters that pursue dreams and art, often in defiance of what is more instantly gratifying or commercial.  It tackles a worthy topic and tells a dramatic, engaging, poetic story."  -- Nantucket Film Festival

"This piece was moving and powerful."  -- BlueCat Screenwriting Competition

"An emotional story that explores a very relatable problem."  -- Josh Baker, Writer

"You and Jason paint a very real and detailed picture of Josh's inner and outer worlds.  As a reader, I became entangled with his ups and downs and honestly felt the breath taken out of me by the ending.  It is all incredibly rich.”  -- Lisa Melodia, Writer/Director

"A really powerful script."  -- Lara Salmon, Artist

"I am slightly depressed and extremely moved, but that means you succeeded!  That was a hell of a script."  -- Evan Kail, Writer

"A killer script."  -- Jason Fuchs, Writer

"The writing is really outstanding […] It hits home with the struggle to make it in a creative field and would resonate with people in their twenties / thirties and beyond struggling with reaching their goals and the fear that holds them back.  A lot of the advice in the dialogue inspired me."  -- Ashley Hillard, Producer

"Writing is fluid, easy and effortless to read; engaging from the start, it grabbed my curiosity about these characters.  Carefully and well written."  -- Mikyung Kim, Producer

"Extremely well written.  Amazing and thought-provoking."  -- Andra Gorski, Artist

"Your script stands as is and on its own beautifully.  In particular, I thought your character development was spot on.”  -- Pamela Stanek, Writer

"Excellent story.  Really loved it.  Really felt the ending of it...  I really loved the imagery.  Incredibly strong structure."  -- David Salazar, Writer/Director